Salter Ferguson, LLC



6 Products That May Contain Talcum Powder

6 Products That May Contain Talcum Powder

The fifth deadliest cancer for women is ovarian cancer. And without you knowing it, your risk for ovarian cancer might be increasing because of a familiar bathroom product. That product is talcum powder, which has been linked to ovarian cancer.

Talc’s link to ovarian cancer has resulted in several judgments against Johnson & Johnson. Last October, more than $70 million was awarded to a woman who claimed that Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder caused her ovarian cancer. This verdict followed two similar verdicts against Johnson & Johnson, one awarding $55 million to a survivor of ovarian cancer and another awarding $72 million to relatives of a woman who died of ovarian cancer.

Talcum powder is a powder made from a mineral called talc, which is comprised of three main elements: magnesium, silicon and oxygen. Some talc, in its natural form, contains cancer-causing asbestos. However, talc for home use has been free of asbestos since the ‘70s.

Talc, as a powder, absorbs moisture and reduces friction. For these reasons, talc is ideal for keeping skin dry and preventing rashes. Talc can be found in many over-the-counter powders, including:

  • baby powders;
  • body powders;
  • medicated powders; and
  • perfumed powders.

Popular, name-brand products that contain or have contained talc include:

  • Johnson’s® Baby Powder;
  • Shower to Shower Body Powder;
  • Gold Bond Body Powder;
  • Nivea Pure Talc;
  • Estee Lauder Body Powder; and
  • Summer’s Eve Body Powder.

If you want to avoid these powders and the cancer risks associated with talc, several alternatives are available. Creams, such as Desitin, can help protect skin and stop chafing. Alternative powders will do the same thing. Powders with a cornstarch, rice starch or herbal base can keep you dry, while reducing friction and rashes. Several name brands, including Gold Bond and Johnson & Johnson, offer cornstarch powders.

Contact our personal injury lawyers in Birmingham today for more information and to schedule your free consultation.