Salter Ferguson, LLC



Did You Know The Risks That Came With A Mirena Iud?

Did You Know The Risks That Came With A Mirena Iud?

Birth control is a deeply personal medical choice, and people choose different options for a range of personal reasons. For some women, long-term options are better than solutions that require daily, weekly or monthly maintenance.

The Mirena intrauterine device (IUD) promises women a high success rate at preventing the implantation of fertilized eggs while requiring no real maintenance other than checking for the string that indicates the device is still properly in place.

Doctors are often quick to recommend this option as it requires professional placement and frequently provides long-term help for women who want to control their fertility. Unfortunately, physicians recommending the Mirena IUD may not properly educate the woman seeking birth control support about the risks involved. She may only learn about the consequences when they affect her personally.

What Are The Issues Associated With The Mirena Iud?

There are numerous documented medical side effects associated with a Mirena IUD. Among the most common are longer cycles and irregular spotting for three to six months after the insertion of the device. Some women report a complete cessation of menstruation after the insertion of the IUD. Others report cramping and worse menstrual cycles after IUD insertion.

As many as 12% of the women who use Mirena IUDs may develop ovarian cysts. Some women report headaches, nausea, weight gain, changes in mood acne and bloating. There’s also an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, which can be expensive to treat and life-threatening if not caught early. The device can migrate, which can lead to unwanted pregnancy or internal injuries. Some women may develop serious infections due to having the IUD implanted.

You May Have Rights If Negatively Affected By A Medical Device

Manufacturers should invest in proper research to ensure the safety of devices that people will put in their bodies, and medical professionals should also be very cautious about what recommendations they make to their patients and how they perform medical procedures. Both parties should provide in-depth information for patients about side effects, failure rates and possible complications.

Those negatively affected by a Mirena IUD made have grounds for a product liability claim. In some cases, the doctor who recommended or inserted the IUD could also have some liability. Understanding your protections as a consumer will help you advocate for yourself when dangerous birth control products negatively affect your life.