Salter Ferguson, LLC



How A Slip And Fall Can Result In A Deadly Injury

How A Slip And Fall Can Result In A Deadly Injury

When a person slips or trips on someone else’s property, they can potentially suffer a catastrophic injury. In the worst cases, a slip & fall injury can be fatal. In recognition of these safety risks, Alabama lawmakers require property owners to take steps to keep their premises safe for visitors, workers, and anyone else who happens to be on the property.

The truth is that most slip and fall accidents are avoidable. Unfortunately, a lot of property owners put profits ahead of the safety of guests, employees, and customers. That’s why it may be necessary for anyone who has sustained an injury in a slip & fall or trip & fall accident to seek the assistance of a qualified personal injury lawyer who can hold the negligent property owner accountable by filing a premises liability lawsuit.

Of course, when a slip & fall accident results in a deadly injury, the victim is unable to get justice. However, the victim’s family members can still seek justice, and compensation for their tragic loss, by filing a wrongful death claim against the person, or company, responsible for their loved one’s death.

Dangerous Property Conditions Cause Deadly Slip & Falls

Certain conditions on a piece of land are more hazardous than others. Additionally, context and circumstances matter when it comes to a dangerous property condition. For instance, insufficient lighting in a stairwell may not pose a significant safety risk if there is a window and it’s daytime. On the other hand, a poorly lit stairwell can potentially be fatal if there is no other source of light. Beyond that, any slip & fall accident at a construction site can be deadly because construction workers often perform difficult tasks at great heights.

There are numerous other ways that a slip & fall accident can prove fatal. A wet or slippery floor can lead to a traumatic head injury when the victim falls suddenly and awkwardly; a concealed pothole in a parking lot can result in the victim making hard contact with the pavement; a broken railing can lead to a scary tumble down the stairs of a building.

If your loved one tragically died due to a slip & fall accident, you should talk to a knowledgeable personal injury and wrongful death lawyer. The experienced wrongful death attorneys at Salter & Ferguson are prepared to handle your legal matters during this difficult time. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.