Salter Ferguson, LLC



Injuries Caused By Cholesterol Drugs

Injuries Caused By Cholesterol Drugs

Statins are a category of drugs that are traditionally used to manage cholesterol levels. These drugs typically reduce triglycerides and unwanted cholesterol while simultaneously raising the level of beneficial cholesterol in your blood. The brand names that are most recognizable are Lipitor, Baycol, and Crestor. In the past several years, several customers have come forward describing serious side effects experienced due to taking statins. Baycol was taken off of shelves in 2001 because enough people pursued lawsuits against the drug.

When your injuries are caused by a consumer product like cholesterol drugs, you can pursue compensation in civil court through a products liability lawsuit. The most frequent claims about cholesterol drugs are that they have unacceptably dangerous side effects that were not adequately publicized to the consumer. Unfortunately, most pharmaceutical drugs carry serious risks, so compensation claims often hinge on whether those risks were known or explained to the consumer in some way.

The Food and Drug Administration has recognized that cholesterol drugs are linked to an increased risk of kidney, liver or muscle damage. Depending on your specific brand of statin, there may be other well-known and listed side effects. You should always consult with your doctor about the potential side effects of any drug they recommend.

If you think your cholesterol drug has caused an injury, then you need to consider pursuing a claim in a timely manner. Waiting too long can result in losing your right to pursue compensation.

Schedule A Free Consultation With Defective Medication Attorneys Today

The personal injury attorneys at Salter Ferguson, LLC will help you determine whether you have defective products claim, defective medications lawsuit, or a class action lawsuit – because sometimes many clients injured by the same product will stand together and file a joint lawsuit. We can help you determine if there is an existing lawsuit pending for the product that injured you. Contact our office today at 877-298-4878.

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