Salter Ferguson, LLC



Want To Settle A Car Accident Claim Quickly? Remember These Tips

Want To Settle A Car Accident Claim Quickly? Remember These Tips

Auto accidents have a way of turning your life upside down, especially if you suffer an injury in a crash. It can become quite involved fielding phone calls with insurance companies and travel back and forth between doctor’s visits. The claims process may seem to drag on forever.

There are, however, steps that you can take following an accident that will make it easier to settle a claim quickly.

Call For Help

You should summons the police to the scene of your crash so that they can facilitate the exchange of information between you and the other motorist and take your statements detailing what occurred. A law enforcement officer can also help you make arrangements to have a tow truck or ambulance come to the scene.

See A Doctor

It may not always be clear that you suffered an injury immediately following a crash. It may take hours or even days for your symptoms to manifest themselves. Seeking prompt medical attention and following your doctor’s orders can demonstrate how significantly the injuries you suffered in a crash impacted you.

Take Photos

Taking pictures of the crash scene, any visible injuries you have and your car’s damage may help you better “tell the story” of how the crash happened and help you recover damages for your injuries and other losses in your case.

Don’t Say Anything Or Sign Anything Until You Have Help With Your Claim

Insurance companies consume themselves with paying close attention to their bottom line instead of obsessing over your wellbeing. They won’t stop trying to get you to sign a release relieving them of future liability in your Alabama case. Insurance adjusters are also keen on using anything you say against you.

Let a car accident attorney here in Central Alabama advise you of your rights before you speak with anyone so that you’ll have a chance of favorably resolving your insurance claim.