Salter Ferguson, LLC



What Is A “vicious Propensity” In A Dog?

What Is A “vicious Propensity” In A Dog?

After a dog attack, the idea of the dog having a “vicious propensity” may become a very important part of any personal injury case. It can help to determine who was at fault for the incident and what could have been done to prevent it.

But what, exactly, does this term mean?

The Dog Exhibited Previous Violent Behavior

Simply put, a dog shows a vicious propensity when it injures or attacks a human being. If the dog has a record of biting people, this means the owner should know that the dog’s personality is such that it may injure someone again in the future. If the owner fails to prevent that, they can be found responsible for the victim’s injuries through negligence.

The problem is that many dog owners want to think that their dog would never purposefully bite someone without provocation. Even after it happens, they may claim the bite was a fluke. If this belief starts to cloud their judgment, they may put others at risk in the future. Someone who gets bitten by a dog who is known to be dangerous may wonder why more was not done to keep them from having that encounter. Surely, it’s not a fluke if it happens twice, right?

Essentially, that’s the position the law takes. A dog that bites one person is a dog with a vicious propensity.

What Options Do You Have?

Have you been bitten by a dog that was known to be dangerous? Do you feel that the owner is clearly responsible for your injuries? As frustrating as this situation can be, there are legal options to seek compensation, and you simply need to know exactly what they are.